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Serving Singles: More than a Plateful

Writer's picture: Millennial MMillennial M

Updated: Dec 14, 2021

Many of us will leave the table physically satisfied Thursday afternoon/Thursday evening. Generous portions of tender, succulent meat; warm, buttery breads; savory greens; and decadent desserts untold will leave our hearts content.

With the sweet smells and cold chills in the air, it is safe to say we're officially in holiday season: gathering together and serving others flank meals and subsume festivities now through the end of the year. In some sense, our cups brim and overflow with what we receive such that they engender a longing for and lasting of that will supply the succeeding nine (9) months that follow. What would it look like if we spread the cheer out and made it the new norm? I have a feeling it would not rob or ruin the specialness, but it would in fact push us to outdo ourselves even more this time of year- particularly towards those that need a little extra encouragement.

As you might suspect or even know first-hand, the fullness of the season is a heavy and tough time for many, particularly for singles. I get it. I see you. I am you. While this fullness can be an affirmation of what feels lacking, imbalanced, or incomplete, it is a strong reminder of what comfort, what support, and what mercy I have received over the past year and beyond- particularly in my singleness. Below is a matrix of 10 ways you can serve singles year-round, all of which I have benefitted from leading up to and in this season.



1. When you hadn't seen me in a while...

Shot a text.

2. When you did see me...

Asked me something thoughtful.

3. When I had a family loss...

Sent a card.

4. When I was traveling...

Were my Lyft.

5. When I was struggling and struggled...

Called to pray.

6. When I was sick...

Dropped off medicine.

7. When I had success...

Sent a card (works for multiple).

8. When I acted and said something a little different...

Embraced the quirks.

9. When I mentioned something interesting...

Followed-up (then and later).

10. When you were not sure what to do with me...


I was with a group of guys earlier this evening and it affirmed more than a plateful. To them, to you, and my larger, God-given network, I am grate-full and content. You inspired this resolve. I am joyful- for the sacrifices you carved, the expressions you shared, the time you gave, and what He has enabled me to see of Him exemplified in you- single, married, young & restless, old, mature, and humbly learning.

Particularly to my married friends- think about the impact you made (and can make) and how encouraging and valued you made me feel. Notice none of what is listed above has to do with a portion of food; most are just the product of being loving and being present- and that is in fact something to celebrate and be thankful for.

How have you been served well? How does this challenge you to serve singles? Join the #QuedUpConversation.

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