Numerous artists, across genres and decades, have lamented, "don't know what you got ('til its gone)..." While universally true, in this season in life, I feel like I have more recently experienced the inverse: knowing what you got because it's glaringly there (even if you might have forgotten, discounted, or overlooked it). And I have found these reminders leveling and affirming: relationally.
But, is that all? What do we do with moments like this, if anything? What do we take away from moments from like these? I'd argue our goal should be to respond as a litmus test for our heart. In recognizing what has been so graciously provided, what does a child do? One- a child responds (sometimes well and other times not). I fear in my, and perhaps maybe in your maturity, we might be hesitant, too busy, or even too sophisticated to respond. Respond. At least it visibly shows you where your heart is. And from there, you can discern what next step to take. Unlike a child, many of us have developed the control, the restraint, the self-control to ignore and gloss over provision. But, let's respond.
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And then once we do, let's examine the response. There are good responses and bad responses, but using the child analogy again- many are on the exaggerated ends of the spectrum- nonetheless they are responses. We have received GOOD things of the Lord! While I believe rejoicing is an appropriate response, I also believe there's room for tears- the good, healthy weeping of being overwhelmed in the provision. And that is where I have been- gushed by the love, encouraged by the reception of trust, warmed and welcomed by the openness and friendliness of new contacts. These are more than facts- these are And there, even in those moments, an emotional response is not wasted or reserved for better.
Photo by Marcelo Chagas on Pexels